HGL’s Integrated Approach to PFAS Forensics

With PFAS ubiquitous in the environment, it is critical to mine existing data and create a sampling plan to distinguish among the many potential sources of PFAS.

HGL has a team of hydrogeologists who take a holistic view of PFAS data analysis. The presence or absence of individual PFAS compounds, differences in absolute concentrations, and relative ratios between precursors and terminal degradation products provide an understanding of PFAS transport and fate from known sources as well as potential third-party sources. HGL’s team completes geospatial evaluations of PFAS data by compound types, relative concentrations, and branched and linear isomers and then presents that data using clear graphics to update and visualize the conceptual site model (CSM). Given the wide range and historical use of PFAS compounds, this holistic approach and refinement of the CSM—specifically, synthesizing a large suite of PFAS compounds in conjunction with site-specific hydrogeology knowledge—allows for a forensic identification of potential other PFAS sources or commingled plumes within a given installation or commercial site.

Please click on the image below to see an animation depicting an example application of HGL’s forensics capabilities.