PFAS-Decision Support System Selected for AAEES Research Honor Award

American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES)
2024 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science™ Awards Competition

HGL is proud to announce that our PFAS-Decision Support System (DSS) is the recipient of the Honor Award in the Research category of AAEES’s Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science™ awards competition for 2024. Recognizing the need to help clients better characterize the source, nature, and extent of PFAS contamination and identify the best mitigation strategies for restoring and protecting drinking water resources, HGL’s Research & Development (R&D) group worked to develop PFAS-DSS.

From left to right: Dr. Dua Guvanasen (VP, R&D), Dr. Peter Huyakorn (HGL President), and Mr. Jeff Fairbanks (Principal Manager, R&D).

PFAS-DSS integrates a database of PFAS-compound-specific properties and data analytics with modeling and computational optimization technologies to support decision-making throughout the site investigation and restoration processes. Two new modeling tools, highlighted at right, can be used in stand-alone fashion or integrated within the system. Data visualization is used to facilitate understanding of the complex challenges associated with PFAS contamination and mitigation. PFAS-DSS is modular, allowing flexibility to incorporate the latest developments in understanding/treating PFAS and the newest regulations pertaining to cleanup levels.

Congratulations to our R&D group on their innovative work and this recognition!