Performance-Based Environmental Remediation Services at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois


HGL conducted work at Scott Air Force Base with an initial performance objective of achieving remedy in place (RIP) at 20 separate sites. Work included contaminated soil excavation and debris removal at six sites; on-site treatment of lead-contaminated soils; construction of a 36-acre landfill cap with a passive landfill gas venting system; installation of an in situ Submerged Oxygen Curtain (iSOC) to treat POL contamination; and completion of a pilot study for in situ enhanced reductive chlorination to remediate TCE in groundwater.

HGL exceeded contract objectives by obtaining RIP or better at all 20 sites, including site closure at 11 sites.

Project Highlights
Completed CERCLA remediation at 20 separate sites, including construction of groundwater and soil remedies, source treatment (excavation and soil amendment to stabilize lead), in situ technologies (iSOC and bioremediation). Exceeded contract objectives by obtaining RIP or site closure at all 20 sites.
Excavated and disposed of and/or stabilized 24,000 cubic yards of hazardous/nonhazardous waste, including PAH/PCB-contaminated soils and sediment and small arms (lead)-contaminated soils from six sites.
Effectively negotiated the disposal of soil from additional removal actions at the on-base landfill to eliminate off-base disposal, limit on-base truck traffic, minimize carbon footprint, and accelerate schedule.
Designed and implemented a pilot study to evaluate enhancing reductive dechlorination through injection of EHC, an amendment that combines a carbon substrate with ZVI. The field test results demonstrated the amendment’s potential effectiveness, and provided the data needed to prepare and implement the full-scale RD.
Received the “USACE Project Safety Recognition Award” for safe execution of all work without a single lost time incident.