HGL Celebrates Its 25th Year

HGL Celebrates Its 25th Year

Twenty five years ago Peter Huyakorn, Ph.D. and Jack Robertson, P.G., each who possessed an entrepreneurial spirit and love of science and technology, joined forces to found HydroGeoLogic, Inc.

Their first office located at 503 Carlyle Drive in Herndon, Virginia, was a small space that accommodated the founders, two geologists, an IT specialist, a field technician, and an administrator. It was from there, that the group supported HGL’s first contract performing modeling and software development for the EPA’s Office of Solid Waste, which remains a client to this day.

In 1990, Dr. Huyakorn officially became the company’s president, HGL was successful in its application for 8(a) status, and a decade of growth ensued. During this time, new business lines were launched and new clients such as AFCEE, USACE, DOE, and state agencies were added. Later, in 1999, Mr. Robertson retired to Arizona, but is still a consultant to HGL, often providing expert witness testimony.

After graduating the 8(a) program in 2000, normally a very challenging transition period for small businesses, Dr. Huyakorn and company successfully competed for and were awarded several major ID/IQ environmental remediation services contracts. Staff and revenues over the next decade increased substantially, as well as HGL’s reputation for excellent service and innovation.

Now in its 25th year, HGL’s nearly 400 employees provide A/E, Remediation, Construction, Munitions Response Program, Water Resources, and Energy Management services to federal and state government and commercial clients worldwide. Founded as a boutique groundwater modeling firm and evolving into a multi-service providing, multi-client supporting company is a notable accomplishment.

Senior Management and the staff at HGL take the occasion of HGL’s 25th anniversary to salute Dr. Huyakorn for his leadership and congratulate him on this outstanding achievement.