HGL Exhibits at 43rd Annual Waste Management Conference
HGL exhibited at the 2017 43rd Annual Waste Management Conference, the premier international conference for the management of radioactive materials and related topics. The conference, held from March 5 through 9 at the Phoenix Convention Center, was organized by WM Symposia, Inc., in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Department of Defense. Nearly 30 countries were represented at this year’s event. HGL offered information on its full array of remediation and optimization services to the nearly 2,000 engineers, scientists, and managers in attendance. HGL specifically highlighted its advanced Physics-Based Management Optimization (PBMO™) software. PBMO™ is an effective tool for integrating physics-based modeling with management considerations (e.g., time, budget) to address environmental challenges at a level of detail previously considered impractical, and it has been applied successfully to environmental remediation and mine dewatering projects.