Former Fort Ord Performance-Based Remediation Project Webinar Presentation

On November 14, 2017, HydroGeoLogic, Inc. (HGL) presented a webinar on the innovative integrated approach implemented to minimize remediation system costs and reduce cleanup time on a performance-based remediation project at the Former Fort Ord, CA. The webinar was given under the sponsorship of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists® (AAEES) in recognition of HGL’s Grand Prize award in the Small Projects category of AAEES’ annual Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science™ national competition. A condensed version of the recorded presentation is available by clicking the links below:

Part I: Project Overview, Challenges, and Integrated Solution (Runtime 16:17)
Part II: Optimization to Increase Remedy Performance and Decrease Costs (Runtime 14:01)
Part III: Achieving Site Closure Objectives and Lessons Learned (Runtime 9:28)

An entire recording of the webinar is available on the AAEES website and can be accessed by clicking this link.