HGL Receives USACE Safety Recognition

HGL’s Scott AFB PBR Team received special safety recognition from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District for exceptional safety performance on the construction of the Landfill Cover.

Safety achievements for the Landfill Cover project identified in the letter of recognition included:
• Over 300 safe work days.
• Over 80,000 safe man-hours without a single lost-time accident.
• Incident-free trucking operations, importing as many as 300 loads of backfill per day.
• Successful identification and treatment/destruction of unknown hazards, including UXO, medical waste, and unmarked drums.
• Implementation of safety work/rest regimes during summer months.
• Successfully passing multiple Safety Audits (third-party, USACE, and internally) without documentation of significant concerns or violations.

The concluding sentence of the letter best summarizes the importance and achievement of the team: “It was a pleasure working with a contractor that took safety seriously, that completed all work in a safe manner and ahead of schedule. I thank you for a job well done and look forward to future opportunities with HGL.”