HGL Receives National Safety Council Awards

HGL has received the National Safety Council Million Work Hours Award for working more than 5,500,000 hours without a lost time incident from 2015 through the end of 2022. HGL offices and project offices/sites have been recognized for completing a period of at least 12 consecutive months without incurring an occupational injury or illness that resulted in days away from work or death.

June is National Safety Month. It is the perfect time to remember to check your surroundings and to help keep each other safe from the workplace to home. Founded in 1913, the National Safety Council is recognized as America’s leading nonprofit safety advocate focused on eliminating the leading causes of preventable injuries and deaths. 

National Safety Council Perfect Record Awards for 2022 were awarded to the following HGL offices and project offices/sites:

Offices- Atlanta, Ballston Lake, Billings, Lakewood, Huntsville, Merritt Island, Overland Park, Phoenix, Reston, and San Antonio.

Project Offices/Sites: Emmell’s Superfund Site, Fried Superfund Site, FUSRAP SLAPS, FUSRAP SLDS, Gilt Edge Superfund Site, Hastings, Newton County Superfund Site, Pohatcong Superfund Site, Rocky Hill Superfund Site, and Welsbach.

These incredible milestones were achieved because of our hard-working employees and managers who actively participate in identifying and controlling hazards of work under their control and promptly addressing conditions or taking actions to ensure a safe working environment. Job safety is everyone’s responsibility whether they work in the field or in the office. Congratulations to all!