Environmental Remediation Services at Former Blaine Naval Ammunition Depot, Hastings, Nebraska


The Blaine Naval Ammunition Depot was a load, assemble, and pack munitions facility during the 1940s and 1950s, and included a main production area and 2,000 storage buildings/bunkers across 48,800 acres. Site contaminants of concern include volatile organic compounds (primarily trichloroethene) and explosives (primarily RDX).

Groundwater Treatment System at Blaine Naval Ammunition Depot, Hastings, NE

HGL has been tasked with the following:

  • Conducting remedial construction;
  • Conducting operation and maintenance (O&M) of a groundwater treatment plant and extraction system;
  • Installing water lines and hookups;
  • Implementing erosion and storm water controls;
  • Collecting and analyzing groundwater, process water, and air samples;
  • Conducting O&M of monitoring and extraction wells; and
  • Preparing a work plan, as-built drawings, an O&M manual, periodic monitoring reports, and an O&M report.
Project Highlights
 Extracted, treated, and discharged 4.25 billion gallons of groundwater at 3,700 gallons per minute while operating at 97% efficiency.
Designed/constructed a 91,000-gallon wet well that required deep excavation and installation of 2,900 linear feet of piping within budget and schedule despite losing 12 days to extreme inclement weather.
Constructed the south irrigation system and grade control structures, which involved excavating approximately 116,000 cy of soil and placing 6,000 cy of riprap for erosion protection.