Climate Change Considerations  


Adaptation – Adjustment of built systems in anticipation of changing environmental conditions that will reduce or eliminate significant disruptions and maintain protectiveness of human and ecological communities. 

Mitigation – Efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by improving efficiency and developing “green” power sources. 

Resiliency – The ability to anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing conditions and to withstand, respond to, and rapidly recover from disruptions.  

Vulnerability Assessment – The process of using model predictions and site-specific knowledge to identify both direct and indirect risks arising from climate change. Vulnerability is the sum of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity. 


Department of Defense, Office of the Undersecretary of Defense (Acquisition and Sustainment). 2021. Department of Defense Draft Climate Adaptation Plan. Report Submitted to National Climate Task Force and Federal Chief Sustainability Officer. 1 September 2021.

Nelson, H. “SERDP & ESTCP Efforts on Installation Infrastructure and Energy Resilience.” Federal Remediation Roundtable Conference, Washington, D.C. November 8, 2021.